In the classroom
All about me
- Lesson 4. Objects and people.
- Lesson 5. Me and you.
- Lesson 6. Countries and nationalities. To be singular.
- Lesson 7. Countries and nationalities. To be plural.
- Lesson 8. My family. Determiners.
- Lesson 9. Possessive ‘s.
- Lesson 10. Adjectives: feelings.
- Lesson 11. Дієслово to be: questions and short answers.
- Lesson12. Culture. The United Kingdom.
- Lesson 13. Culture. Wales.
- Lesson 14. Сulture. Cities and towns of Ukraine.
- Lesson 15. My home. Vocabulary and listening.
- Lesson 16. There is / there are.
- Lesson 17. Things in my room.
- Lesson 18. Have got (positive).
- Lesson 19. My things.
- Lesson 20. Things in the bag.
- Lesson 21. Have got (negative).
- Lesson 22. Adjectives: things. Have got (questions).
- Lesson 23. Life skills. Creativity & Innovation.
- Lesson 24. Units 1-4.
What can you do?
- Lesson 25. What can you do?
- Lesson 26. Модальне дієслово can (ability).
- Lesson 27. What can you do? Video.
- Lesson 28. Parts of the body.
- Lesson 29. Prepositions: in, on, behind, under.
- Lesson 30. Food and drinks.
- Lesson 31. Halloween.
- Lesson 32. Countable and uncountable nouns.
- Lesson 33. Some, any, lots of.
- Lesson 34. Telling the time. Invitations.
- Lesson 35. Prepositions: on, at, from, until. Invitations.
- Lesson 36. Culture. Holidays in the USA.
- Lesson 37. Culture. Holidays in Ukraine.
- Lesson 38. Fourth of July in the USA.
My day. At school.
- Lesson 39. My day.
- Lesson 40. Present simple (positive).
- Lesson 41. Telling the time.
- Lesson 42. Present Simple: negative.
- Lesson 43. Daily routine.
- Lesson 44. School subjects.
- Lesson 45. School subjects. Check yourself.
- Lesson 46. Present simple: questions and short answers.
- Lesson 47. Words with two meanings. Wh- questions.
- Lesson 48. Life skills. Learning English.
- Lesson 49. Units 5-8.
Feeling good
- Lesson 50. Sports and activities.
- Lesson 51. Like noun/-ing.
- Lesson 52. Like noun/-ing. Video. Check yourself.
- Lesson 53. Health.
- Lesson 54. Pronouns.
- Lesson 55. Christmas.
- Lesson 56. Things we do.
- Lesson 57. Happy new year!
- Lesson 58. Present continuous tense.
- Lesson 59. Present continuous tense negative.
- Lesson 60. Jobs around the house.
- Lesson 61. Present Continuous: questions and short answers.
- Lesson 62. Culture. Youth clubs in the UK.
- Lesson 63. Boy and Girl Scouts.
My life.
- Lesson 64. My digital life.
- Lesson 65. Adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes, never.
- Lesson 66. Technology.
- Lesson 67. How much …? / How many …?
- Lesson 68. Working life.
- Lesson 69. Present simple and present continuous.
- Lesson 70. In a café.
- Lesson 71. Can: requests and permission.
- Lesson 72. Life skills: being careful on the Internet.
- Lesson 73. Unit 11-12.
- Lesson 74. Places in a town.
- Lesson 75. Is there a …? Are there any …?
- Lesson 76. St Valentine’s Day.
- Lesson 77. Adjectives: places. Reading.
- Lesson 78. Culture. Favourite places.
- Lesson 79. Prepositions: inside, outside, above, below, near.
- Lesson 80. Out and about. Transport. Getting around London and Kyiv.
- Lesson 81. Grammar: because, and, but, or.
- Lesson 82. Phrases: going out.
- Lesson 83. Grammar: Let’s …, Shall we …? Email writing.
- Lesson 84. Culture: Museums around the world.
- Lesson 85. Culture video: museums around the world.
- Lesson 86. Project. Museum.
Clothes and shopping.
- Lesson 87. What shall I wear. Clothes.
- Lesson 88. Clothes.
- Lesson 89. Grammar: plurals.
- Lesson 90. Phrases: people.
- Lesson 91. Describing people.
- Lesson 92. Shopping.
- Lesson 93. Grammar: need, want.
- Lesson 94. Vocabulary & reading: money and prices.
- Lesson 95. Grammar: too/enough.
- Lesson 96. Units 13-16.
- Lesson 97. Life skills: social responsibility.
- Lesson 98. Project. Recycle.
World around us
- Lesson 99. The natural world.
- Lesson 100. Great places.
- Lesson 101. Comparatives: short adjectives.
- Lesson 102. Easter.
- Lesson 103. Adjectives: opinions. Reading.
- Lesson 104. Comparatives: long adjectives.
- Lesson 105. Weather.
- Lesson 106. Describing weather.
- Lesson 107. Holidays. Prepositions with, for, until.
- Lesson 108. Culture. Beach culture in Australia and New Zealand.
- Lesson 109. Beach Culture Video.
- Lesson 110. A fantastic concert. Adjectives.
- Lesson 111. Past simple: be.
- Lesson 112. Vocabulary & Reading: adjectives
- Lesson 113. Wh- questions in the present and past.
- Lesson 114. Wild animals.
- Lesson 115. Past simple: positive.
- Lesson 116. Pets and farm animals.
- Lesson 117. Past simple: negative.
- Lesson 118. Life skills: collaboration.
- Lesson 119. Project. A plan for a Saturday afternoon with friends.
- Lesson 120. Units 17-20
- Lesson 121. Revising of learned material: vocabulary.
- Lesson 122. Revising of learned material: grammar.
- Lesson 123. Summer vacation.
Англійська мова 5 клас НУШ (за підручником Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс; Видавництво «Лінгвіст» Київ – 2022)